

demonstrate taste with selected ingredients

From the careful selection of ingredients to the precise control of the kilning process - every step in the manufacturing process contributes to creating the unique taste experience of Egger beer


Water is the fundamental ingredient in the brewing process and plays a crucial role in producing high-quality beer. The Egger private brewery knows the importance of this vital element and therefore draws the water for its beers from its own well. This natural source provides soft, pure water, which forms the ideal basis for developing and preserving the fine flavor nuances and characteristic clarity of Egger beers. By using its own well water, the brewery ensures that each beer is not only refreshing and delicious, but also of consistent quality.


Our malt, a fundamental ingredient in the production of our unique beers, comes from the European Union. This ensures that every grain meets the highest standards of quality and sustainability. By adhering to these strict guidelines, we not only ensure the purity and taste of our beer, but also promote responsible farming practices and environmental protection.


Our hops, the heart of every beer, come from the best growing regions in Austria and Germany, where they are grown in compliance with the strictest ecological standards. In addition to Austrian hops, the Egger private brewery also uses aroma hops from the Hallertau.

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Water also becomes a fine wine when mixed with malt and hops.

Discover the diversity of hops in beer brewing

We are proud to collaborate with hop farmers who share our passion for quality and our commitment to sustainability. These partnerships allow us not only to ensure the freshness and aroma of the hops but also to protect the environment and preserve natural resources.

Hops play an indispensable role in the brewing process and are largely responsible for the taste, aroma and characteristic bitterness of the beer. This versatile plant is not only used as a natural preservative, but also shapes the flavor profile of every beer.

Each hop variety brings its own nuances - from citrusy and floral notes to earthy and herbal. By selecting specific hop varieties, brewers can specifically influence the intensity and type of bitterness as well as the aromatic depth of the beer.

The illustration above shows how different the flavor profiles of different hop varieties can be, allowing beer lovers to better understand and appreciate the complexity of their favorite beverage.

The hops are therefore not just an ingredient, but the heart of the taste experience in every beer. Enjoy the variety and let yourself be seduced by the unique aromas that hops give your beer.

Certificates & Partnerschips

The "Austria Bio Garantie" certificate verifies that products are produced and controlled strictly according to Austrian and European organic standards, guaranteeing sustainable agriculture and the use of natural resources without synthetic chemical pesticides or artificial fertilizers.

The independent private brewery seal emphasizes that the brewery operates completely independently, free of external corporate dependencies, which enables it to maintain quality and brewing traditions according to its own high standards.


The process of beer brewing

The malt production

Malt is the essential ingredient in beer production and plays a crucial role in developing the taste, color and aroma of the beer. Malt production is a fascinating process that requires care, expertise and time. After the freshly harvested malting barley is delivered, it must be stored in the Austrian malthouse for around 6 weeks in order to dissipate the harvest heat and to allow the grain to germinate. The grain is then soaked to absorb water

  • The process begins with selecting high-quality malting barley, which is carefully cleaned and soaked to encourage germination. During the germination process, enzymes are activated that convert starch into sugar, which is crucial for fermentation.
  • Once the barley has sprouted, it is kilned by drying it in an oven. This process stops the germination process and gives the malt its characteristic color and aromas. The temperature and duration of kilning have a significant influence on the taste of the malt and thus also of the subsequent beer.
  • After kilning, the malt is carefully cleaned and sorted to ensure only the best grains are used. The finished malt is then shipped to breweries around the world, where it serves as the basis for beer production.
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If the malt is the body of the beer, the hops are the soul!

Der Prozess des Bierbrauens

From the malt silo to bottling

Beer making is an art that requires precision and passion. The process can be roughly divided into four main phases: mashing, lautering and cooking, fermentation and maturation, and filtration and bottling. Each stage is crucial to the quality and taste of the final product.

1. Mashing

The first step in beer production begins in the malt silo, where the barley is stored. The malt is ground and then mixed with water in the mash tun to form the mash. During mashing, the starches in the malt are converted into sugar by enzymes, which later forms the basis for alcohol production. This process is temperature controlled and goes through different temperature phases to activate specific enzymes that maximize the efficiency of sugar formation.

Der Prozess des Bierbrauens

2. Purification and cooking

After mashing, lautering follows. Here the liquid wort is separated from the solid, the spent grain. The clear wort is then fed into a large kettle where it is brought to a boil. During boiling, hops and other ingredients are added that give the beer its characteristic bitterness and aroma. The hops not only add flavor and aroma, but also act as a natural preservative. Boiling also helps sterilize the wort and remove unwanted proteins.

Der Prozess des Bierbrauens

3. Fermentation and maturity

The boiled wort is cooled and transferred to fermentation tanks. Yeast is added and fermentation begins. During fermentation, the yeast converts the sugars into alcohol and carbon dioxide. This step is crucial for alcohol production and the development of the beer's flavor profile. After the yeast has processed most of the sugars, the young beer is transferred to storage containers for maturation, where it matures in cold temperatures and the flavors harmonize.

Der Prozess des Bierbrauens

4. Filtration and bottling

The final step is filtration, which removes excess yeast and other cloudy substances from the beer to ensure clarity and stability. After filtration, the beer is almost ready to drink. It is bottled, canned or keged and sealed, often with the addition of carbon dioxide to make the beer foamy. The beer is then labeled and packaged, ready to be shipped to bars, restaurants and retailers.

Der Prozess des Bierbrauens

Each of these steps is integral to the production of high quality beer. From the careful selection of malt in the silo to the precise control of fermentation temperatures and thorough filtration, beer making is a combination of science and tradition that beer lovers around the world appreciate. At Egger Beer we take the time to perfect every detail so that every glass offers the purest pleasure.

Dare to enjoy the best beer and find your favourite Egger Beer here.